• When Your Spine Is In Line

    Good spinal alignment means good biomechanical health. Essentially, your spine is the biomechanical center of your body. Your legs are connected to your spine via two large and strong pelvic bones. Your arms are connected to your spine via your shoulder blades, ribs, and numerous strong muscles and ligaments.

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  • An Apple a Day . . .

    What is so good about an apple? Is it the color, ranging from ruby red to pale pink? Is it the crunch? The sweetness? Or is it, instead, a combination of all of these qualities, plus the natural goodness derived from the apple's secret ingredients — phytonutrients? If this were a multiple choice quiz, the answer would be "all of the above". Importantly, in addition to possessing numerous appealing physical qualities, apples contain an abundance of health-promoting biochemicals known as phytonutrients.1,2 These specific organic molecules are derived not only from apples but many other fresh fruits and vegetables, and help power the immune system, protect against cancer, maintain healthy eyes, and assist cells in clearing out metabolic waste products such as free radicals.

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  • Standing Tall

    Young peoples' bones stop growing by approximately age 20, somewhat earlier in women and somewhat later in men. Long bone growth, that is, in the arm, forearm, thigh, and leg, ceases later and smaller bone growth, that is, in the hands, feet, and spine, ceases earlier. In essence, you're as tall as you're

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  • Spring Forth!

    Spring is arriving. The days are getting longer, the air is fresher, and the sunlight is brighter. Flowers and bushes are beginning to bloom. Tree sap is running and there are new baby animals in the world. In short, the world is being renewed and, if we choose to, we too can actively participate in

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  • Chiropractic Care for the Young and the Young at Heart

    Children and adults are the same but different. Most kids want to play all the time, but they also are required to go to school. Most adults would prefer to play all the time – relax, go to the gym, read a book, watch TV, or get together with friends – but most adults need to go to work at least

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "November 13, 2018 ·
    ❤️ awesome staff
    Very professional
    They have saved me from having a procedure."
    Christina Romero
  • "November 14, 2018 ·
    Dr Prioux is the only chiropractor I’ve ever been to that actually bases the visit on a head to toe assessment. Love this man! He is the best and knows what he is doing! My whole family uses him."
    Cheryl Trahan Benoit
  • "December 22, 2018 ·
    I’ve had sinus headaches for almost one year. After trying several medications and discussing a possible surgical procedure, I decided to try chiropractic care first. Since I have been going, I haven’t had a single sinus headache! The adjustments are not only helping my back and body, but also my sinus infections and my TMJ. I am hooked! :) I also love the friendly staff and doctors. Great place!"
    Anessa Hansing
  • "January 31, 2019
    We take our 4M old daughter & see good progress!!"
    Adrian Moreno
  • "Dr. Prioux and Dr. Lux are absolutely wonderful! They are caring and explain everything in layman's terms. I have heard of acupuncture works on many levels but had never experienced it personally. After only a few sessions I was a believer. I went in for anxiety and left feeling grounded and calmer. Thank you, Dr. Lucie Lux for your kindness and support."
    Cindy Graham L.
  • "Great doctors & staff. Recommend 💯 %!"
    Jackie Bergeron B.
  • "What a great experience!!!! Very professional from the first call I made to the office for my appointment to explaining in detail my situation and why they are doing what they were doing to me. Very personable and you feel like you have known them all forever. I highly recommend!!!"
    Brandy McPayne S.